Registration opens for the next meeting of the Metropolis Initiative led by the State of São Paulo


The next meeting of the Comparative Study on Metropolitan Governance, a Metropolis Initiative led by the Secretariat for Metropolitan Development in the State of São Paulo, with technical support from Empresa Paulista de Planejamento Metropolitano SA (Emplasa), will take place in the city of São Paulo from25 to 26 April 2013.

The meeting will compare the different strategies carried out by cities in relation to models of governance, and analyze how public-private relationships can determine the execution and financing of public and social policies in metropolitan areas.

This Metropolis Initiative proposes preparing a comparative study of the realities of metropolitan governance matters in a number of urban agglomerations. The analysis considers diverse factors, such as the definition of the agents of governance, the establishment of forms of financing, project responsibilities (from conception through to maintenance) and regulatory frameworks. The Initiative will involve case studies and feature a series of clear technical and policy recommendations to be promoted among Metropolis members.

The meeting will aim at discussing the current status of the project and its next steps. Therefore, we ask partners who have experience of public-private financing in its metropolitan area to present case studies briefly during the meeting. Those who are not interested in presenting, are also invited to attend.

From the experiences presented, each partner can choose one that seems most appropriate to be analyzed by its region based on a mentoring program coordinated by our Metropolis Initiative.

Thus, we ask each partner interested in presenting a project that may be object of this mentoring for other cities to send us until March 25, a brief presentation of the project. We suggest that the presentations follow the guidelines available here. The case of the Line 4 yellow of the metro in São Paulo that was presented in the last meeting may serve as a model.

In order to participate, we kindly ask you to register by 25 March 2013

The meeting will be held in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. 

Looking forward to welcoming you in São Paulo!

Documents on the Meeting:

Invitation Letter

Draft Program


Source: Metropolis