We can end poverty by 2015: Keep the promise and accelerate the achievement of the MDGs!
UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals is held at the UN Headquarters in New York on 20-22 September 2010, in the framework of the United Nations General Assembly.
With a view to the Summit in September, and in partnership with the UN Millennium Campaign, UCLG has called on local and regional authorities to join the global campaign to mobilize citizens and national governments for the attainment of the MDGs: “We can end poverty by 2015: Keep the promise and accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals!”
A “toolkit” has been set-up to support the campaign implementation. To read and download the material associated to this campaign, please click here.
UCLG is gathering the documentation of the mobilization of its members, so that it can be collected and presented on its website.