UCLG will participate at SDG Global Festival of Action
The SDG Global Festival of Action, organized by the UN SDG Action Campaign, aims to find and promote new ways to implement the SDGs and to inspire, mobilize and connect people and organizations. In this fifth edition and under the theme of “Turn-it-around”, the Festival will gather over 20.000 SDG enthusiasts and practitioners, including leaders, change agents, activists and private sector representatives from over 150 countries.
United Cities and Local Governments is contributing with two key sessions with the interest of making visible the role of the local governments in the implementation of the Global Agendas, and acceleration of the 2030 Agenda:
Reimagining our common future: The turning point starts locally
March 26th – 15.00 – 15.45 CET
The COVID19 pandemic has demonstrated how cities and local governments roles have been essential to respond to pressure needs and ensure minimum disruption of essential services, while also providing a first-aid response to the most vulnerable citizens. Cities and territories are the first place where change is taking place, advocating that the SDGs are the plan to recover from the COVID crisis and ensuring that SDG messages reach the ground.
Join this groundbreaking conversation between the UNDP Administrator and Mayors regarding the role that cities and territories play in development, how the local level is the place that links us to the planet, where change starts and where we as individuals can play an active part in shifting the future. The session will feature Mayors of Montevideo (Uruguay), Polokwane (South Africa) and Valongo (Portugal). – Register here
Local4Action HUBs: The power of local transformation through the SDGs
March 25th – 16.15 – 17.30 CET
Recognizing the transformative power inherent to the local experiences, to the cities and territories and the need to strengthen the collective action towards the global agenda’s delivery, the Local4Action HUBs initiative by UCLG, opens to co-creation pathways and generates incubation for innovation. The initiative also celebrates this local transformation and potentializes its dissemination and replicability. The initiative promotes as well knowledge generation and collaboration between territorial stakeholders to achieve transformational objectives, becoming a key platform to share and communicate the importance of local actions towards the implementation of the global agendas.
Join the session to know how the transformative power of local actions towards the SDGs triggers innovation and a multiplier effect with an impact in global policies and to see opportunities for collaboration and be part of this global dynamic! The session will feature the Local4Action HUBS of Xi’an (China), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Cuenca (Ecuador), FAMSI (Spain) and AICCRE (Italy engaging with academia, civil society, and international organizations to inspire local action to make Agenda 2030 a reality for all.– Register here
Stay tuned @SDGAction!!