UCLG Leads Round Table in the Cities Forum: Intermediary Cities – between growth management and financial sustainability


Entre los días 10 y 12 de Junio, se llevó a cabo en IFEMA, Madrid el Foro de las ciudades, contando con la participación de CGLU y de otras instituciones.

Between 10th and 12th June, the Cities Forum, which included the participation of UCLG and other institutions, took place at IFEMA, Madrid. The Forum was attended by Mayors and Managers of Ibero-American cities, who came to discuss issues such as sustainability, service management, public space and governance, among many other focal points on the work of networks. The Forum for Sustainable Cities emerged as a platform for the evaluation and exchange of experiences between cities. 

UCLG coordinated a round table on Intermediary Cities. Sara Hoeflich, who chaired the round table on behalf of the UCLG World Secretariat, introduced the theme and the agenda of Intermediary Cities at a global level. Participants of this round table, entitled “Intermediary Cities as a key factor of urban sustainability”, included the cities of Móstoles, León and Cochabamba, as well as the UNESCO Chair at the University of Lleida. Among the key questions, the following were highlighted: How can Intermediary Cities be constructed with public and private actors, and what are the emerging advantages and disadvantages? Has a difference in social planning been observed with relation to local culture?

Foro de las Ciudades

Intermediary Cities are extremely dynamic and diverse. It is within Latin America, which has an urbanization level of 80%, expected to reach 90% in 2060, that the urban hubs where major change and growth occur are situated. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), among others, devotes several programmes to Intermediary and Emerging Cities, especially on the theme of growth and transportation.

To read “Challenges and Perspectives of Intermediary Cities”, visit our blog.

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