UCLG converges Local and Regional Governments, Civil Society and National Representatives during COP28 to establish a Structural Dialogue on Loss and Damage
Dubai, UAE - December 02, 2023
In a critical UCLG session held during COP 28 in Dubai at the UCLG Africa Pavilion, local and regional governments emphasized the urgent need for a structural dialogue on the local and territorial perspective on losses and damages caused by climate.
UCLG launched initial discussions around its working paper that will reflect the position of the World Organization on the Loss and Damage Process. The work will continue through a consultation process to culminate in a Coalition for the Local Loss and Damage Perspective which will inspire the cooperation agenda and the contributions to the Summit for the Future
and Social Summit.
The World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments sees all global agendas as one single and universal. The unbreakable bond between the development, equality and climate agenda stood center stage at the session. The Loss and Damage process will be a critical component of the implementation of the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development
Goals, the Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, the NUA and Addis Ababa Action Agenda. In particular, the SDG 11 on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable is of great interest to developing countries with Africa being recognized as the fastest urbanizing continent in the world thus
creating new nodules of climate change. The battle on climate change will be won based on resilient urbanization processes.
The UCLG Leadership in its latest World Council held in Konya, October 2023, has
recognized the importance of giving Loss and Damage becoming the political focus of the UCLG Climate Transition. This is a critical issue for UCLG to address and develop.
As a problem directly linked to the inequalities of the world, it is identified within the UCLG Pact for the Future of Humanity as part of its spirit.
Quotes from the Session:
1. Mr. Ugur Altay, UCLG President, Mayor of Konya:
“The Loss and Damage Fund, which was agreed upon within the scope of COP27
last year and approved in COP28, has provided a base to financially support the
vulnerable countries in the face of the climate crisis. We, as UCLG, particularly care for the issue of Loss and Damage as well. We address this issue in our Pact for the Future of Humanity”
2. Ms. Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of the Nouakchott Regional Council:
“The Loss and Damage Fund will never impact the lives of people if it does not go
through Local and Regional Governments.”
3. Mr Axel Grael, Mayor of Niteroi, Brazil:
“We are working on local climate policies in the City of Niteroi, developing different
strategies for resilience and adaptation. but now we are aware, and we see it
necessary, to start developing a strategy for loss and damage at the local level.”
4. Mr Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaouen, UCLG Special Envoy before the UN for Food Systems, Morocco
“We must finance not only direct impacts but also indirect impacts, like the cascading effects of losses and damages on Food Systems and the local economy.”
5. Mr Carlos Cuadrado, Mayor of Huechuraba, Chile:
“We must review how finances reach the local level. We see funds going to projects
that shape the territory without the knowledge of local governments. We must ensure that the funds reinforce local governance.”
6. Ms. Sinead Walsh, Transitional Committee on Loss and Damage, representative for
“Ireland’s number one priority at the Transitional Committee has been vulnerability. For the Loss and Damage Fund, this translates into the need to try to have a fresh start on means of accessibility. We need to find a solution for a more decentralized system than we normally have