Towards the Lampedusa Charter – Executive Bureau UCLG
Following the two consultations, the main session of the UCLG Executive Bureau advanced the Lampedusa proposal in its Business Session and mandated the World Secretariat to facilitate further processes of consultation, co-creation and approval of the text of the Lampedusa Charter, which will be officially launched on December 18 2021, on the occasion of the International Migrants Day.
At this session, UCLG members welcomed the Lampedusa proposal and reaffirmed their commitment to move forward collectively in shifting the narrative on human mobility, highlighting the responsibilities assumed by the territories to ensure the dignity and coexistence of all people. The main principles and thematic blocks that will be deepened in the charter were also ratified:
● Dignity: Humanitarian Assistance and Human Rights Protection
Ensuring the dignity and protection of all persons at all stages of the migration process, regardless of their reasons behind migrating and regardless of their legal status. This thematic area also includes the importance of protecting those who protect and finding alternatives to migrant detention and violent measures that further criminalise and stigmatise migration.
● Equity: Universal Access
Promoting universal access to basic services and public space in a safe and unconditional manner regardless of migration status. Implementing intersectional approaches to include populations that have been structurally discriminated against on the basis of gender, economic circumstances, legal status, race, diversity of abilities, amongst other factors.
● Recognition: administrative barriers and inclusive citizenship
Promoting a shift in narrative that recognises diversity as an asset and acknowledges the contribution of all communities to the development of cities and territories. Recognition also implies the responsibility to address the varied forms of discrimination and violence that have been normalised in our societies and toovercome them, through a notion of inclusive, supportive and transformative citizenship.
● Participation: access to rights, political participation and public space
Opening spaces and channels for migrants, displaced persons and refugees to be part of urban planning as de facto residents, transforming thevision of the migrant population as from mere users of services to agents of community development, particularly where public policies directly concern them.
● Community: towards a collective memory and peaceful living together
Human mobility is a natural phenomenon that concerns all societies. Therefore, in accordance with the guiding principles of the Global Compacts for Migration and Refugees, its governance must involve the whole of government and the whole of society. In cities and territories, communities must actively participate in the elaboration of strategies, decision-making and implementation of activities that promote coexistence, equality and access to the Right to the City for all.
Next steps
In advancement of the Lampedusa process proposed by the UCLG membership and partners, a call for regional consultations to be led by the UCLG sections will be launched anddialogue with civil society, migrant communities and other actors involved in migration governance will continue. Additionally, the consultation process will continue through the Policy Councils and the Community of Practice on Migration, with the support of the Global Taskforce on Migration (GTFM).
The consolidated draft of the charter will be presented to the Global Council and will be launched this year on December 18,on the occasion of International Migrants Day.