Thembisile Nkadimeng resigns as Copresident of UCLG, remains close to local and regional governments from the national level


The 2021 World Council has seen the Co-president Thembisile Nkadimeng, former mayor of Polokwane, left her mandate at the end of the World Council 2021 after being appointed Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs of South Africa.

Having been elected as Copresident at the UCLG World Congress in Durban, Copresident Nkadimeng has championed many of the key political positions and policies held by the membership of UCLG. In what has been a complex time for mayors around the world, Mayor Nkadimeng has contributed to share knowledge among mayors through her participation Live Learning Experiences and #CitiesAreListening Experiences, and contributing to the UCLG Decalogue for the COVID-19 era as mayor of Polokwane and as a member of the Presidency. Copresident Nkadimeng has spearheaded the political positions of the constituency at international gatherings such as CSW, the High-Level Political Forum, and gatherings held by the World Health Organization.

At the 2021 World Council, Deputy Minister Thembisile Nkadimeng’s goodbye words highlighted just how her recently appointed position places her as a crucial ally for local and regional governments and for the renewal of the multilateral system towards one that is networked and considers all stakeholders.

“I am not lost for local and regional governments, and one of my new tasks is ensuring that you, that we, are heard, to make sure that our people come first. Thank you for these years.” Thembisile Nkadimeng, Honorary Copresident of UCLG, Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs of South Africa.