The VSR Action Platform associations come together to find joint solutions in the final stage of their Voluntary Subnational Reviews

On May 16, 2024, the six associations of local and regional governments (LRGs) that are producing a Voluntary Subnational Review (VSR) this year with the support of UCLG and its regional sections: the Association of Brazilian Municipalities (ABM), the Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN), the Mauritanian Association of Regions (AMR), the South African Local Governments Association (SALGA), the National Union of Local Governments of Costa Rica (UNGL) and the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE), met for the second time to discuss the final steps of their respective VSR processes and bring shared solutions to the challenges encountered.
The session was opened by UCLG Secretary General Emilia Saiz who emphasized the importance of ensuring that national governments and partners understand the importance of enhancing the VSR processes. VSRs are powerful tools that can help create spaces for dialogue to build trust with national governments and bring to the international community the priorities of LRGs.
Following these introductory remarks, David Sánchez on behalf of CONGOPE, presented the experience of the association which has produced five VSRs in a row – the last one will be launched at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). This VSR champion described the evolution of their VSRs goals and methodologies since 2020. In this year’s VSR, the focus will be on an integral evaluation of the impacts that VSRs have produced until today, to see how they have been able to bring effective solutions, and what strategic adjustments are needed.

The workshop’s core segment consisted of a peer learning exchange between the representatives of the six associations. After a round of introduction of the key findings and main recommendations of each of the VSRs, the discussion centered on bringing forward solutions to difficulties in:
including the local perspective in the Voluntary National Reviews of their respective countries; gathering data; fine-tuning the drafting and publication of the report; communicating the main findings to different stakeholders.To conclude, UCLG offered a short presentation on the local and regional government constituency’s plans and agenda at the HLPF that will take place in New York next July. In particular, the opportunities for the associations to launch their VSRs before the national delegations and the international community and prove their power in accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda were discussed. Stay tuned for the GTF’s HLPF program!