The SDGs Learning Module 3 on reporting is launched!
Today we are launching the SDGs Learning Module 3, about the process of reporting the SDGs local evolution in Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs). It presents new methodologies, contents, exercises and multiple examples about different local processes of preparing VNRs and VLRs, to be presented annually during the UN-High Level Political Forum (HLPF).
Module 3 is a complementary material that continues what has already been developed in our previous SDGs learning modules 1 (about local awareness raising strategies) and 2 (about SDGs local planning and monitoring). The Modules are a common initiative of UCLG, UN-Habitat, UNDP, the Barcelona Provincial Council and the European Union, and provide learning tools to facilitate Training of Trainers (ToT) with local governments, associations and civil society members, about the process of localizing the SDGs.
This 3rd Module develops content about the role of Local and Regional Governments Associations (LRGAs) in reporting the SDGs, collecting local results and views, and participating actively on the VNR, with contents and exercises for establishing the LRGAs reporting strategies. Besides that, Module 3 presents some of the successful experiences of local reviews, indicating patterns for VLR templates and proposing step-by-step exercises of VLR drafting.
This year some of the Module 3 materials have already been shared during our last Training of Trainers in Ouagadougou, with mayors, LRGAs, the local UNDP and civil society organizations. The Global Taskforce, facilitated by UCLG, will also present Module 3 during the next HLPF (taking place July 2019, in New York).
Finally, during the UCLG World Congress in Durban, our next Learning Forum will also have the SDGs localizing learning methodologies and the training of trainers as one of its main topics to define the UCLG learning strategy for the years to come.