The Post 2015 HLP: Feedback from a local and regional perspective


Mr. Kadir Topbaş, Mayor of Istanbul and President of UCLG was appointed together with 27 personalities from different parts of the world and society to serve in the Post 2015 HLP. Heads of State, Ministers, Nobel Laureates, Researchers, opinion makers and private sector representatives worked together on recommendations which could serve as reference to define the agenda that will lead the future of humanity.

Mr. Kadir Topbaş, Mayor of Istanbul and President of UCLG was appointed together with 27 personalities from different parts of the world and society to serve in  the Post 2015 HLP. Heads of State, Ministers, Nobel Laureates, Researchers, opinion makers and private sector representatives worked together on recommendations which could serve as reference to define the agenda that will lead the future of humanity.  The appointment of President Topbaş to this group has been experienced as a significant recognition of the role of local authorities in development. It has further enable the broader movement of local and regional authorities to influence discussions and deliver the perspective of this specific constituency.

This panel produced a Report for the UN Secretary General that has been generally welcomed by different sectors of the international community.

It demonstrates the shared believe by different sectors of our global community that extreme poverty can and should be eradicated. It also demonstrates that, despite all the differences and diverse interests, it is possible to reach agreements on the basic principles that can lead us to the kind of world we want for us and future generations.

Its pragmatic approach on tackling poverty, hunger, water, sanitation, education and healthcare, building on the MDGs is also commendable.

The Report emphasizes the universality of the Post-2015 Agenda and signals five main transformative shifts that need to be applied to the future global policy.

The Report acknowledges cities as the world’s engines for business and innovation. It further acknowledges that with good management they can provide jobs, hope and growth, while building sustainability.

It further recognizes that “Local authorities form a vital bridge between national governments, communities and citizens and will have a critical role in a new global partnership”.

It emphasizes the role of local authorities in delivering public services in health, education, policing, water and sanitation. It also stresses their role in providing better life conditions to slum dwellers.

It further underlines de key role the need to play in acting on resilience and disaster risk reduction.

Read more if you want to know about the gaps and specific local and regional governments interests. 

Find here the document with relevant extracts for local and regional authorities from the High Level Panel Report