The Mediterranean Commission at the UCLG Congress
The Mediterranean Commission of UCLG has actively participated in the 4rd UCLG Congress – World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders from 1-4 October 2013 in Rabat.
The 2nd meeting of the Political Council of the Mediterranean Commission was held on 2th October.
Around the Mediterranean Commission co-presidency, Mr. Vauzelle, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region and Mr. Rocca Serra, deputy mayor of Marseille and the president of the Political Council, Mr. Boudra (president of the Taza-Al Hoceïma-Taounate Region), were attending the following local and regional elected representatives: Mr. Trias, Mayor of Barcelona, Mrs. Ortega i Alemany, vice-presidente of the Catalunia Region, Mr. Viola, president de General Council of Aude, Mr. Ghazal, mayor of Tripoli, Mr. Shakaa, mayor of Nablus, Mr. Savas, mayor of Antakya, Mr. Ould Hamza, president of the Urban Community of Nouakchott, Mr. Buraziza, chairman of Benghazi Local Council and Mr. Bouazzi, mayor of Kasserine. Mrs. Bresso, 1st vice-president of the Committee of the Regions was also present for ARLEM.
The members have adopted the Charter in favor of the democratic governance in the Mediterranean. They have also debated the future orientations for the 2014-2016 Mediterranean Commission working plan.
The parallel session “Dynamics of change in the Mediterranean“ was organised with the City Diplomaty and Development Cooperation Commission and the Near and Middle East Working Group of UCLG, on 3th October afternoon.
This round table was moderated by two experts, Mrs. Akrimi, director of the Center for Innovative Local Governance in Tunisia and Mr. Chagnollaud, director of IReMMO in France.
The participants have taken stock of the deep changes known in a certain number of countries but also of the issues of conflicts for the local and regional leaders. The session was also the occasion to listen to elected representatives who are daily managing the institutional and operational transition in unstable and fuzziness contexts or the direct or indirect consequences of conflicts.