Statement of support to the National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities at the occasion of the dissolution of Local and Regional Councils in Tunisia
In support of the communiqué of the National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities issued on 9 March 2023, United Cities and Local Governments expresses its concerns regarding the decision taken by the national authorities of Tunisia to dissolve local, municipal, communal and regional councils.
United Cities and Local Governments echoes the need to maintain the current mandate of municipal and regional councils and respect the integrity of local and regional governments, councils and districts.
United Cities and Local Governments highlights the critical role played by local governments and administrations in the provision of services and the protection of democracy everywhere and recalls that local elections are not an end in itself but a means to promote resilient communities and improve the quality of life of all inhabitants.
The worldwide movement of local and regional governments stands with the National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities calling for the need to enable its members, local and regional governments in Tunisia, to continue deploying their commitment to provide services to the communities and ensure territorial development.
As international municipal movement, we are convinced that protecting local institutions and the political representatives through well-resourced decentralization and the application of subsidiarity is a key cornerstone to the development of democratic, fair and peaceful societies that leave no one and no place behind.
Download the full statement here.