Registration to the UCLG World Council in Dakar
UCLG is pleased to attach herewith the agendas of the World Council and Executive Bureau meetings to be held in Dakar from 4 to 6 December 2012.
On behalf of the Presidency of United Cities and Local Governments, the President of UCLGA and the Mayor of Dakar, I am also pleased to send you the registration information for our meetings in Dakar.
As you know the 2012 World Council will be held on occasion of the 6th Africities Summit. The UCLG World Council meetings will have direct links with the Africities Summit program in order to increase synergies and exchanges among both gatherings and attendees.
Members are encouraged to register to Africities in order to support UCLGA and to benefit from the opportunities to exchange with our African Membership.
Should members indicate that they will ONLY attend the UCLG Statutory meetings, and not register to Africities, they will have free access ONLY to the UCLG meetings and will not be able to benefit from the social programme and Africities Sessions. The program of UCLG meetings can be found in the link below.
Members will need to register by 12 October using the enclosed Individual UCLG Participation Form below. For members NOT attending Africities hotel information will be provided as the number of participants is known. Please note that block bookings will be made on the bases of participation information received by 12 October.
All relevant information on Africities can be found in the links below. Please click here to register to Africities:
The World Secretariat remains at your disposal, should you require any additional information.
We sincerely hope you will be able to join us in Dakar.
Ø UCLG Individual Participation Form for the Statutory Meetings only