Preliminary programme for the Summit now available!


In just over two months, between the 1st and 4th of October, local and regional leaders and elected representatives from all over the globe will gather in Rabat for the World Summit of Local and Regional leaders – the 4th UCLG Congress.

The Summit will be a unique opportunity for the international community to define the international agenda and roadmap for local and regional governments. At the same time, the International Municipal Movement will celebrate its centenary and local and regional leaders, representatives from civil society and the private sector, academics and actors from all continents will come together to reflect on the future of local and regional governments.

Under the theme: “Imagine Society, Build Democracy”, the programme of the 2013 Summit will focus on two main issues that will guide the work of UCLG over the coming years: the role of local authorities in the post-2015 agenda, and the need to meet the increasing demands of an increasingly urban world population. Both issues will contribute to preparations for the Habitat III Conference to be held by the United Nations in 2016.

The Summit will be made up of three parts:

  1. Introduction Session, including the opening ceremony. During this session, the commemorations of the centenary of the international municipal movement will be announced. 
  2. A central programme based on four Thematic Round Tables: spaces will be allocated for parallel sessions organized by UCLG partners, committees and working groups aiming to complete and define the proposals of each theme.
  3. Two Strategic Plenaries during which conclusions will be shared and joint actions for each theme will be decided. 

Consult the full programme here


In addition to the official programme of the Summit, members and partners of UCLG will host parallel events that will take place over the 1st and 2nd of October.

These events will address topics such as: the governance of water, local development in Africa, the right to the city, justice and urban health (Tuesday 1st October), culture as a fourth pillar of sustainable development, and the modernization of local public services (Wednesday 2nd October), among others.


This global event will feature participation by important figures from the world of local and regional politics, as well as senior representatives of international organizations.

See the confirmed participants here.

We are counting on you to join us and make this Summit a success. Sign up now to benefit from the early bird rate!

Register HERE.