On the International Day Against Corruption local and regional governments #Commit2Transparency


9th December was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as International Anti-Corruption Day to raise awareness of the negative effects of corruption, prevent it and fight it. Local and regional governments from all over the world  reaffirm the Hangzhou Commitment endorsed during the 2017 UCLG World Council and renew their commitment to work towards more transparent, accountable and participative cities and territories. To render this Commitment concrete UCLG launched the UCLG Community of Practice on Transparency and Open Government.

As the closest level of government to the people we are very visible as we are close to our citizens we can take advantage of this proximity to start concrete actions to prevent corruption by engaging in active policies of transparency, accountability, participation of society and citizen’s oversight.

UCLG is committed to achieve SDG16 and to contribute to effective and accountable institutions to fully achieve the 2030 Agenda. The UCLG Community of Practice on Transparency and Open Government works to develop  knowledge and awareness-raising initiatives on this vital issue going forward. The aim of the UCLG Community of Practice is to foster transparent, accountable, open and innovative cities and territories and work to reform the institutions, to recover public trust and to co-create solutions to the great challenges that we face as local governments.

Effective anti-corruption policies and legislation are urgently required at the local, national and international levels. Corruption at the local level has an immediate and harsher impact for governance and for public trust, than in other levels of government.

We call on national governments and multilateral organizations to support local and regional governments to strengthen local institutional capacity to eradicate and prevent corruption and ensure that no one is left behind.

If you also agree that transparent local and regional governments are key to achieve sustainable development join us by sharing your messages using the hashtags #Commit2Transparency and #UnitedAgainstCorruption.