OBS: a global website on culture, cities and SDGs


The Committee on Culture of UCLG has accumulated fifteen years of specific practices and experiences. They have carried out a work of capitalization of these experiences which materializes in a new website on “culture, cities and SDGs”called ‘OBS’, and including good practices on culture and sustainable local development.

The OBS is a unique practical website in the world, it includes more than 120 good practices available in the 3 official languages of UCLG (English, French and Spanish), that describe cultural projects, programmes and policies implemented by cities and local governments from across the world.

The good practices are indexed by 3 types of criteria:

  • The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030.
  • The 9 Commitments of UCLG’s Culture 21 Actions.
  • 75 keywords related to all fields of culture, cultural policies and sustainable cities.

Several of these good practices served as key reference for the new publication of the Committee on culture of UCLG, “Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals: a Guide for Local Action”.

You are invited to contribute to the initiative by sending proposals of good practices on culture, cities and sustainability here or contact [email protected].