Local authorities and overcoming the crises
Cités Unies France (CUF) with the support of the French Development Agency (AFD), is organising a side-event in Rabat that will take place on Tuesday 1st October on the role of local and regional authorities and of elected representatives in crisis situations and in overcoming crises.
This roundtable aims to examine the strengths, limitations and drivers of action of local and regional governments confronted by serious difficulties of an internal or external nature, for example, the failure of legal States, vulnerability of society and the economy or natural disasters and conflict.
The panel of this session will bring together elected representatives who are at the forefront of this issue, the French Development Agency, who have made local authorities a privileged target, a representative from a humanitarian NGO, and a researched representative. Among the questions that may be addressed during the session include: the local and regional elections in the Ivory Coast, the reconstruction of Haiti following the earthquake, the solidarity of local authorities for Syrian refugees.
To learn more, please click here (French only)