Local and regional leaders at the Global Platform for Diasaster Risk Reduction
The third UNISDR Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction is taking place on 8-13 May 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland, bringing together disaster risk reduction, recovery and reconstruction experts. The overall theme for the Global Platform is: Invest Today for a Safer Tomorrow – Increased Investment in Local Action.
The Global Platform counts with the presence of a great number of Mayors, including the Mayors of Dakar, Nouakchott, Geneva, Mexico City, Beirut, Saint-Louis du Sénégal, Mumbai, Venise, Makati, Saida, Santa Fe, Santa Tecla, Akaba, Moroni and the Tyrol region.
Khalida Sall, Mayor of Dakar and Vice-President of UCLG, took part in the round table dedicated to « The Mayors and Parliamentaries perspectives on legislation and actions ». He reminded participants of UCLG’s commitment to this issue which began in 2008, as well as the concrete actions that have since been undertaken such as the training and awareness raising sessions. He further indicated the need for a true partnership between local governments and parliamentaries, between those who make the law and those who act.
Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City, for his part spoke of the risks linked to climate change and advocated for enhanced investments for local governments in this direction.
In front of more than 1,500 delegates representing the local and regional authorities, central governments, parliamentaries and civil society, the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon opened the third Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. He called on all partners to intensify their efforts to reduce vulnerability and strengthen local capacities as well as improve the implementation of plans. The Secretary General asked local, regional and central governments to work together and with other partners in order to reduce disaster risks. In his concluding remarks, he reminded the audience of the essential and critical role of local governments.
The Director-General of the World Bank, Mrs Sri Mulyani Indrawati, underlined the considerable impact of catastrophes on economies and especially on those of developing countries. In this regard, she indicated that the World Bank has put in place a facility to aid reconstruction in developing countries. She highlighted that the funds allocated to development are currently decreasing and the need to integrate risk reduction policies into development strategies.