Liverpool UCLG Executive Bureau 2014
The 2014 UCLG Executive Bureau will be taking place from the 17th to 19th June in Liverpool, United Kingdom by invitation from the Mayor of Liverpool, Mr. Joe Anderson, on the occasion of the International Festival of Business organized in the city of Liverpool throughout the months of June and July. The Spring Executive Bureau 2014 is held this year in conjunction with the International Festival for Business (IFB) organised by Liverpool.
The Spring Executive Bureau 2014 is held this year in conjunction with the International Festival for Business (IFB) organised by Liverpool and the City Leaders Summit aiming at providing UCLG members with new networking opportunities with different stakeholders.
The BT Global City Leaders Summit to be held on Wednesday 18 June is an international gathering around the topic: how to generate sustainable economic growth in an age of austerity. It is organized by the City of Liverpool and UCLG.
The morning session will feature exchanges of Mayors with international key figures. The afternoon session will be dedicated to Local Economic Development and the agenda of local governments post 2015.
The Business Session of the Executive Bureau will be held on the morning of Thursday 19 June.
The Committees and Working Groups meetings will be held on Tuesday 17 June.
Please note that as a registered member of the UCLG Executive Bureau, you will be granted free access to the IFB Hub, which will provide you with facilities and services throughout the festival.
UCLG members are encouraged to visit the International Festival for Business and take advantage of the learning and networking opportunities that will be offered.
Please, for any other information visit: