Last Days- Put your city on the map and help us to build a global database for current models of urban governance


The Urban Governance Survey is an initiative by LSE Cities in partnership with UN-Habitat and UCLG, through its Committee on Decentralisation and Local Governance.

The Urban Governance Survey is an initiative by LSE Cities in partnership with UN-Habitat and UCLG, through its Committee on Decentralisation and Local Governance. The organizations launched a survey in an attempt to address a general lack of data on how cities are governed around the world. The results of this survey have been developed into a new global database that explores current models of urban governance, which is now available online.

Global comparative research on urban governance is confronted with a substantial data challenge: regardless of the ever-increasing availability of information on institutional arrangements in individual cities, knowledge and methodologies to capture and compare the wide spectrum of different urban governance systems is limited. The global Urban Governance Survey addresses this data challenge and explores new ways of communicating and ‘mapping’ urban governance for public dissemination, comparative policy and research analysis.

This online platform presents the results of the first phase of the survey on Urban Governance. It also contains a more in-depth analysis of existing institutional arrangements and governance challenges faced by cities around the world. The information presented on the website is based on self-reported data and reflects local government officials’ perceptions.

You can visit the platform here.

The success of this study depends on the level of participation of local governments in different countries and global regions. Thus, we encourage all local and regional governments to participate in this initiative. The deadline for submitting responses to the survey is 15 October 2015.

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