Last call to host the Summit of Local and Regional Leaders and 6th World Congress in 2019


Every three years UCLG, the world’s largest network of cities and local governments, celebrates its biggest event. Bringing together locally elected representatives and their partners from across the globe the triennial UCLG World Congress is one of the most important gatherings of the local governments.

Every three years UCLG, the world’s largest network of cities and local governments, celebrates its biggest event. Bringing together locally elected representatives and their partners from across the globe the triennial UCLG World Congress is one of the most important gatherings of the local governments.

The UCLG World Congress convenes mayors, councilors and presidents of regional authorities and their associations to set the local government agenda for the next three years and beyond, and to examine and debate key issues at the heart of local democracy and decentralization in the 21st century.

This year the World Congress will take place in Bogota, Colombia the week before the urban community will gather in Quito, Ecuador for the United Nation’s Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat III.

The 2019 gathering will be the first World Summit and Congress following the Habitat III Conference and will provide the opportunity to present progress in the implementation of the SDGs and their impact at local level. 

It should also be the occasion to showcase the evolution of our World Organization within the framework of its 15th anniversary.

The UCLG Presidency and members of the UCLG World Council are looking for innovative proposals that will be able to accommodate the ideas stated above and host this world‑class event.

Enclosed you will find all requirements for presenting a candidature.

If you think your city or local government association can meet this exciting challenge, our World Secretariat very much looks forward to receiving your proposal.

For further information or to present a candidature, please write to the attention of the UCLG Secretary General at [email protected] before 31 August 2016.  Full application documents of Call for candidacies are available on request at the same address.