High participation of local governments during the 3rd Regional Forum for Local Economic Development for Latin America in Barranquilla


Between the 7th and 9th of May, 2019 the city of Barranquilla (Columbia) hosted the Third Regional Forum for Local Economic Development for Latin America. This edition was specially focused on vulnerable and conflict-affected territories. More than 650 participants from 20 countries, especially Latin-American ones attended the event.

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), as member of Local Economic Development World Forum and Intermediary Regional Forum’s Executive Committees, co-organized some panel discussions about natural resources’ sustainable management in Amazonia, which raised a large participation of this network’s members. Other issues were addressed such as the linkage among private sector, international cooperation and public sector to foster employment and social cohesion.

The Committee on Local Economic and Social Development of UCLG, which is co-leaded by the Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), ensures the leadership of this Global Organisation in this involvement processes and the celebration of these forums. Emilio Rabasco, Programme Manager of FAMSI, highlighted the importance of territorial innovative systems as key priorities for a social, economic and environmental transformation.

On the behalf of UCLG, José Antonio Santiago, FLACMA’s co-president and Mayor of Comercio, pointed out the fundamental role of local governments and Association of Local Authorities for an inclusive local economic development. In the closure session, representatives of the International Executive Committee, the European Union and National Organization Committee reiterated the importance of alliances among stakeholders to promote advocacy and sharing experiences and building knowledge about more inclusive local economic development models.

The Final Declaration acknowledges increasing inequalities in global context. These inequalities are both within the territories but also seen as gaps among development levels between different territories and regions. Facing this situation, the adoption of an integral approach that links inequality with vulnerability and relies on the importance of public policies and multilevel governance is a crucial element so that solutions can emerge.In this sense, the importance of encouraging territorial dialogues, as a broad concept and as a substantial part for conflict resolution and agreements for common action, mentioning the fundamental role of networks on this process.

In this sense, the importance of encouraging territorial dialogues, as a broad concept and as a substantial part for conflict resolution and agreements for common action, mentioning the fundamental role of networks on this process.

Toward the 5th World Forum on Local Economic Development in Córdoba

This Forum also coincided with the meeting of the Executive Coordination Committee of the 5th World Forum on Local Economic Development. This next event will take place in the city of Córdoba (Argentina) on December 2-4, 2019 with a central theme: “Innovation in territories for a better quality of life” and various related sub themes.

Under the 2030 Agenda and SDG’s umbrella, the 5th World Forum will focus on the role of private sector and its participation for inclusive economy and quality of employment through alliance with the other territorial agents. Moreover, it will also pay attention to the relationship with other stakeholders, especially universities, which will play an active role in this 5th Forum.

Furthermore, one priority for the December Córdoba Forum is to highlight the role and ensure the participation of our members and local leaders to represent the voice and position of local and regional governments in international debates and national local economic development policies that have a direct impact on our citizens. For this reason, UCLG, in coordination with its Local Economic Social Development Commission, will develop a working process that will enable UCLG’s regional sections to contribute to the content development towards the 5th World Forum and ensures a diverse and broad presence of our Global organization.