Global Taskforce of Local Regional Governments for Post 2015 and Habitat III
The Local and Regional Governments Development Agenda
Local and Regional Governments organizations gathered in a Global Taskforce for Post 2015 are fully committed to end extreme poverty in all its forms, in the context of sustainable development, and to contribute to put in place the building blocks of sustained prosperity for all. As the government bodies with much of the responsibility for meeting many of the MDGs and goals suggested for post 2015, we commit to ensuring local and regional governments address these responsibilities and to demonstrating how poverty reduction, prosperity and sustainable development can be combined.
Building on the Rio+20 outcome document that recognizes local and sub-national authorities as key partners, as contribution to the High Level Panel discussions and engaging on the ongoing intergovernmental process on financing, we express our commitment to support the definition of a new development agenda.
We highlight the need to ensure that the new development agenda is people centered; focusing on the actors and institutions that need to build sustainability and prosperity.
The new development agenda should be ONE (integrating all processes), and universal at the same time that it recognizes differentiated responsibilities. It should acknowledge local and regional governments as a specific sphere of government and as key actors of development building on their proven contribution to innovative solutions addressing global and local challenges.
We, local and regional authorities, stress the need to pay special attention to the following cross-cutting issues which are underlining values of any development agenda:
- Local democratic governance, inclusive, transparent and participatory
- Peaceful societies and dialogue
- Human Rights, promoting gender equality, cultural diversity and opposing any discrimination
- Sustainable development that will be planet and people-sensitive
The following key areas will be included in the Local and Regional Governments Development Agenda which aims at contributing and becoming an integral part of the Global Agenda.
- Democratic self-governing, participative, efficient, accountable and resourced Local & Regional Government. All within the framework of a better intergovernmental coordination, harmonization processes and effective decentralization.
- Food Security and Nutrition as basis for poverty eradication.
- Quality Universal Basic Service Provision geared towards reducing inequalities and improving the lives of slum dwellers, including a sensitive gender approach. These services should foster inclusive societies that are mindful of providing opportunities for youth.
- Local Economic Development, with a focus on pro-poor policies and decent job creation in a green urban economy which promotes sustaınable consumption and production.
- Sustainable Urbanization as source of development: well-planned designed and governed cities can generate economıc growth and means of livelihood. It will include a territorial approach and cohesion, with special attention to climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and safe cities.
- Culture as driver and enabler of development and people-centered societies.
- Protection and sustainable management of the environment biodiversity and natural resources
- Local Government Development Cooperation (Decentralized Cooperation) as instrument to promote solidarity and peer learning.
Local and Regional Governments, as levels of governments closest to the people, should commit to mobilize populations and foster solidarity and understanding on the global agenda by local communities.
Local and Regional Government networks gathered in the Global Taksforce Post 2015 and their development partners commit to working together and contributing jointly to the international policy making processes as well as supporting the global, people-centered and planet-sensitive agenda that needs to address the universal challenges of the 21st century.
Consult here a full version of this press release.