Global partnership call for multi-stakeholder partnerships case studies
The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (Global Partnership) announces a call for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Case Studies. Looking at work being done on the ground, submissions should explain how real projects and/or programs used development co-operation, as defined by the Busan principles.
The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (Global Partnership) announces a call for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Case Studies. Looking at work being done on the ground, submissions should explain how real projects and/or programs used development co-operation, as defined by the Busan principles, to produce successful outcomes at the country or local level, as well as cases where there were lessons learned for how to improve outcomes in the future.
A selection committee from Global Partnership stakeholders (TBD) will select five finalists, which will be featured on the Global Partnership website. A final winning submission will be selected by online voting and presented at the next meeting of the Global Partnership Steering Committee in January 2015. Accepted submissions will be published on the Global Partnership website and in future publications.
The deadline for submission is 7 November 2014 and all cases must be sent via this form. Please send any questions to [email protected].
Call for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Case Studies rules:
The Global Partnership reserves the right to use all submitted stories and photographs in edited format on the Global Partnership website and in future publications, as well as on other websites and publications. Submitting parties should indicate if they wish to review any edits to the case studies prior to publishing. Any submissions received after the deadline will not be eligible for the competition, but may be used in future publications. No material or financial reward will be given for any submission.