Finalists UCLG Peace Prize 2019


September 21, 2019

On this International Day of Peace, we are proud to present to you the five finalists of the UCLG Peace Prize!

After revising all applications with a wide range of inspiring peace initiatives, the following finalists will present their peace initiative at the UCLG World Congress in Durban. Congratulations to:

  • Arsal, Lebanon: initiating and facilitating dialogues and mediation between Lebanese and Syrian refugees in a post-IS municipality.
  • Bogotá, Colombia: shared commemorations of victims from both sides of the Colombian civil war through cultural and artistic activities.
  • Cali, Colombia: initiatives on urban peace through Promotors of Peace and Civic Culture initiated by the first Secretary for Peace and Civic Culture.
  • Duhok, Iraq: welcoming a huge influx of refugees and providing a safe haven with equal treatment and equal access to municipal and health facilities.
  • Manizales, Colombia: dismantlement of youth gangs by providing educational alternatives for a better and saver future within the initiative “Change your Mind.. Build Peace”.

Once more we want to highlight the importance of local governments in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction in fragile contexts all over the world.

The finalist have all created a video in which they explain the impact of their initiative and it is now up to the jury to decide who is going to win the prize. We are extremely looking forward to the UCLG Word Congress from 11-15 November 2019 in Durban, South Africa where the finalists’ videos will be shown and the winner will be announced!

In the run up to the congress we will provide you of more information about the five finalists on our website and our Twitter page!