Disaster Risk Reduction: Call for city-to-city exchange opportunities
UCLG, with its partners, has carried out concrete actions related to disaster risk reduction, such as training sessions and raising awareness of elected officials and experts, as well as giving its support to the UNISDR "Resilient Cities" Campaign.
UCLG, with its partners, has carried out concrete actions related to disaster risk reduction, such as training sessions and raising awareness of elected officials and experts, as well as giving its support to the UNISDR “Resilient Cities” Campaign.
UNISDR, with the support of the European Commission’s DG-DEVCO, is calling for the submission of proposals for city learning exchanges on disaster risk reduction and resilience building among local governments.
Sharing lessons is a key part of UNISDR’s Making Cities Resilient Campaign towards the implementation of the Sendai Framework at the local level. City-to-city learning is an advantageous opportunity for cities to connect and share experiences, obtain support and create an effective network to increase their urban resilience capacities.
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