Basic principles of Community-Based Monitoring


UCLG is pleased to announce the publication of “Basic principles of Community-Based Monitoring” officially launched on 8 April 2014 during the WUF jointly with the “Centro do Studios Sociais” (University of Coimbra, Portugal) and the The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD).

UCLG is pleased to announce the publication of “Basic principles of Community-Based Monitoring” officially launched on 8 April 2014 during the World Urban Forum jointly with the “Centro do Studios Sociais” (University of Coimbra, Portugal) and the The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD).

As the phenomenon of Community-Based Monitoring spreads around the world, it is important for United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), to promote this grassroots process that demonstrates the initiative shown by local and regional governments owing to their proximity to citizens.

This publication falls within the active learning agenda of UCLG and within the 100-year international municipal movement of which our network is a direct inheritor. The fruit of collaboration between academia, the German development agency GIZ, local and regional governments and their representative organizations, such as OIDP, the dissemination of this process shows the practical utility of the networks gathered within UCLG.

The result is an informative, useful and practical guide for local and regional leaders on the realities of this practice with real case studies and analysis. Our hope is that this text will demystify the process and encourage its dissemination to ensure effective dialogue between local and regional leaders and their citizens to promote targeted work.

Read the publication