Ban Ki-moon appoints Caroline Tohá as co-chair of the High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport


On 8 August 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the members of a High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport, which will provide recommendations on sustainable transport systems at global, national, local and sector levels.

On 8 August 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the members of a High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport, which will provide recommendations on sustainable transport systems at global, national, local and sector levels.

Among the 12 personalities of this High-Level Advisory Group, Carolina Tohá, Mayor of Santiago, Chile, and member of the UCLG Executive Bureau has been appointed as co-chair.

UCLG celebrates this appointment as a new signal of the increasing recognition of the role local governments in global challenges. Our network is committed to supporting Mayor Tohá in bringing the articulated views of the full constituency of cities around the world to the panel.

The Advisory Group, established for a period of three years, will work with all stakeholders to promote sustainable transport systems and their integration into development strategies and policies, including climate action. It will promote sustainable transport that is in line with inclusive and equitable growth, social development, the protection of the global environment and ecosystems, and addressing climate change.

The full list of Panel members is available here