Annual Report 2015: All you need to know about the diversity of local action at the global level


United Cities and Local Governments, the world organization of cities, metropolises and regions have published its activity report 2015, a summary of the events that have shaped the past year.

United Cities and Local Governments, the world organization of cities, metropolises and regions have published its activity report 2015, a summary of the events that have shaped the past year.

In our annual report, you will find that the year 2015 was a very special year for UCLG and for local authorities all over the world.

The most relevant accomplishments of 2015 include the signature of a Strategic Partnership with the European Union, the creation of an online platform for exchange and cooperation among local authorities, the inclusion of a goal on cities and human settlements into the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Climate Agreement, the development of a network of learning and cooperation, the implementation of an agenda of and for local authorities trough a long bottom-up process, the official inclusion in the New Urban Agenda, Habitat III or the coordination of the different networks inside the Global Taskforce […].

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