Local and regional governments at the SDG Summit: A call to Accelerate Action through sound Local Service Provision
The SDG Action Weekend, including a full day Forum of Local and Regional Governments on the 16th will be the key stage for mayor and governors to raise their voices at the occasion of the SDG Summit, ahead of the Formal Opening and Leadership Dialogues of the SDG Summit, starting on the 18th.
Calling for a renewed and more inclusive multilateral system, UCLG will facilitate the constituency of local and regional governments at the SDG Summit gathered around the Global Taskforce to showcase commitments and priorities towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and linking the SDGs with the the UN Summit of the Future in 2024 and the World Social Summit in 2025.
The constituency brings to the United Nations evidence of action through 7 years of reporting. contained in the “Towards the Localization of the SDGs” reports to the HLPF. This compilation of reports presented to the HLPF in 2017-2023 provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of LRGs’ efforts to advance the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs, and assesses the enabling nature of institutional environments for SDG localization, including how LRGs participate in national coordination and reporting processes.
UCLG will be presenting a Decalogue, under the title of “Towards cities, governments, and a multilateral system that cares for people, democracy, and our planet” with the aim to bring back hope and catalyze political commitments and actions. The Decalogue will present a collection of 10 coalitions that are multiplying policy changes and accelerating the achievement of the SDGs. The Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments is among these coalitions.
The constituency will deliver a Joint Statement through the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments reflecting on the Summit’s Political Declaration and the ways forward, in order to deliver a more inclusive, networked multilateral system that sets us back on track for the goals and multiplies action to transform our societies.
Over 50 mayors, governors, and local and regional elected leaders from around the world representing 37 organizations serving over 5 billion people reaffirm their commitment to the global agendas and bring proposals for a Pact for the Future that should feed the discussions of the UN Summit of the Future next year.