2nd Franco-Lebanese Assizes of Decentralized Cooperation
The 2nd Franco-Lebanese Assizes of Decentralized Cooperation, organized by the UCLG bureau in Lebanon, Cités Unies France and the French Embassy, took place in Beirut (Lebanon) with some 300 participants taking part in the event opened by Mr Najib Mikati, President of the Lebanese Council of Ministers.
The Assizes reinforce the decentralization process currently underway in Lebanon and support decentralized cooperation between these two countries.
President Mikati highlighted the commitment of his government to decentralization. A draft law is currently in preparation addressing effective administrative decentralization that will soon be submitted to the National Lebanese Parliament. The French Minister has renewed the support of his government to the Franco-Lebanese partnership.
The issues addressed during these Assizes were: the challenges of the decentralisation process, the financial resources of local and regional authorities, town and country planning, water and sanitation, enhancing the value of heritage, cultural and tourism.
The World Secretariat’s participation aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing this large assembly of local and regional elected representatives with view to the UCLG World Congress in 2013.