10 years already!


On the 5th of May 2004, leaders and representatives of cities and regions from across the world came together in Paris to create a united world organization of local authorities. The result of the unification of IULA, UTO and Metropolis, this gave local and regional authorities from all corners of the globe a shared voice for the first time.

On the 5th of May 2004, leaders and representatives of cities and regions from across the world came together in Paris to create a united world organization of local authorities. The result of the unification of IULA, UTO and Metropolis, this gave local and regional authorities from all corners of the globe a shared voice for the first time. UCLG was born and its headquarters were set up in Barcelona.

Inheritor of the international municipal movement that celebrated its centenary in 2013, UCLG represents over 500,000 local and regional governments  in 140 countries in the world. The organization’s member cities and regions represent the citizens of over 2/3 of the global population. 

To mark this important anniversary, UCLG would like to reaffirm that:

  • Cities, as motors of innovation and development, must exchange experiences and knowledge to be able to face the important challenges of today that have a direct effect on the lives of citizens. In view of this, it is important for the voice of the local level to be fully articulated and heard at the global level.
  • Local governments are the level closest to citizens and are responsible for ensuring essential services such as security, mobility, access to water and culture in order to improve wellbeing and make inclusive, sustainable and peaceful societies possible. 
  • On the eve of the celebration of the Habitat III Conference in 2016, during which the Urban Agenda will be defined within the on-going process to define the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and following the 100 year celebration of the international municipal movement in Rabat in 2013, UCLG celebrates the success of this initiative taken by local governments, for local governments. We highlight the international relevance of this date and look forward to continue working to promote the values, objectives and interests of local voices.

Happy 10th Anniversary!

Read the full press release