Marseilles mayor becomes first City Changer at World Water Forum



The Mayor of Marseille, Mr. Jean-Claude Gaudin this week became the first high level personality to sign up to UN-Habitat’s new I’m a city changercampaign.

He signed up during the sixth session of the World Water Forum where UN-Habitat and its World Urban Campaignpartners launched the city changer initiative to raise awareness on positive actions that can be taken to improve the world’s cities.

«I support this awareness campaign, and the city changers movement. I support the vision and efforts of Dr. Joan Clos as Executive Director of UN-Habitat and former Mayor of Barcelona,» he told a news conference.

Through various international events, I’m A City Changer will aim to put cities and towns at the heart of the solutions for insuring sustainable urban development for the benefit of future generations.

In signing up, Mr Gaudin demonstrates his commitment to the campaign and in sharing best practices in improving city life,» Dr. Clos said.

The City of Marseille is strongly engaged in the organization of the sixth World Water Forum which recognizes the city for its expertise in water provision and its international reputation as an attractive economic, cultural and touristic venue, as well as for its clean land and marine environment.

The I’m A City Changer seeks to highlight important urban matters such as water and sanitation delivery. Today, according to UN-Habitat research, one out of four people in the world is living in slums or sub-standard housing without proper access to water and sanitation, or security of tenure.

I’m A City Changer presents a change in the urban paradigm. It aims to convey to every city decision-maker the potential in changes in urban strategies and policies, and encourages citizens to adopt new attitudes towards life style and consumption.

Source: UN-Habitat