Local and regional governments in Climate negotiations in Durban (COP 17)


In the framework of the Climate change negotiations taking place in Durban from 28 November to 9 December, on eve of the end of the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol, Local and regional authorities are meeting and demonstrating their key role in emission reduction.


The UCLG negotiation group, led by Nantes will convey local and regional governments voice in these negotiation jointly with the sisters’ organizations being part of the Local Government and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency, carrying on with the Local governments’ roadmap launched in Bali in 2007. This successful advocacy work has reinforced our role in the negotiation process, with the recognition of local governments as governmental stakeholders in the Cancun agreements, adopted in December 2010, and has opened access to international financing mechanisms for cities through the city wide-approach programme. (see intervention of the LGMA in the opening plenary of CMP7 delivered by Yoro Ba, Deputy Mayor of Dakar, Senegal and representative of United Cities and Local Governments, November 30th, 2011 : http://unfccc4.meta-fusion.com/kongresse/cop17/templ/live.php?id_kongresssession=4152)


SALGA, the South African cities network, Ethekwini municipality, the national department of environmental affairs and  ICLEI  with the support of WMSCC and UCLG are holding the Durban Convention for local authorities on the 2 to 4 December in Durban. Local  elected representatives from Africa and worldwide and partners are invited to contribute to two days of debates and workshops on adaptation and mitigation issues, disaster risk reduction and global advocacy of local and regional governments in the climate negotiation and further in the Rio+20 process.


The main expectations for local and regional governments in Durban are:

–          Build on successful global advocacy and milestones achieved during the past years and in Cancun in December 2010

–          Reinforce the recognition of the pivotal and urgent role of cities and local governments in the implementation of immediate, up-scaled and local climate actions and obtain access to financing mechanisms and financing bodies (ex. Green fund)

–          Demonstrate and report on local climate commitments and actions – following up with the Mexico City Pact and its reporting tool, the Carbonn registry, launched in November 2010 and so far signed by 208 local governments.



More information:  

Special issue of United Cities on climate change 

Durban side event

Local Government Climate Forum



Read UCLG full press release