Local governments mobilized in July: proposed amendments to the Outcome Document of the MDGs Summit


The Summit of the Millennium Development Goals shall take place from 20-22 September 2010, at the United Nations General Assembly, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

In the framework of the preparation of the event, a MDG Summit Outcome Document is being negotiated daily until the end of July by national government representatives in New York.

Whilst the MDG Summit Outcome document recommends a number of actions in areas where it can be argued that local governments should hold greater responsibility, the references to local governments are disappointingly few. To see the report, please click here.

United Cities and Local Governments calls upon their members to write to national governments requesting that they give serious attention to the role of local and regional governments in writing their national MDG report, and asking them to consider our proposed amendments which focus on the areas of local ownership, the importance of governance and the cultural dimension of the MDGs.

In the links below you can download the model letter to national governments, and the proposed amendments:

to download the proposed amendments

to download the model letter

With a view to the September Summit, UCLG will also call upon local and regional authorities to engage in a global mobilization for the achievement of the MDGs.