Towards Cancun COP 16: Local and Regional Authorities request access to international funding mechanisms


UCLG climate negotiation group has been actively participating in the preparatory negotiation round in Tianjin, China, before COP16 in Cancun, advocating the recognition of local and sub national governments in the negotiating text and for access of local and sub national governments to the international funds, to be established for adaptation and mitigation actions.

During the opening session of the talks in Tianjin, Ronan Dantec, Vice-Mayor of Nantes and Spokesman of UCLG on the issue of Climate Change, declared: «Local Authorities, gathered by UCLG and ICLEI in a collective global action, are working every day on Climate Change. As requested by the scientific community, we are taking real and concrete quantitative commitments to reduce our emissions.«

UCLG and its partner organizations, ICLEI (1) and the WMCCC (2), announced in Tianjin the World Mayors Climate Summit which will take place in Mexico City on 21 November at the occasion of the III UCLG Congress-the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders.

This event will see the signature of the Mexico Pact by cities and regions committing to measurable, reportable and verifiable reduction targets, and in Mexico City, local authorities will be calling for parties to generate an ambitious global policy on climate change.

To know more on the Summit, you are invited to go to:

The incoming President to the COP 16, Mrs. Espinoza, Minister of foreign affairs of Mexico, has stated strong support to the inclusion of local governments in the actions against climate change and in the future agreements to be implemented by the nations.

Espinosa acknowledged that local policies have a direct impact on daily life of their citizens and confirmed the need to include local governments in the policy development and support them in their daily actions. This vision is shared by the    environment integrity group integrated by Mexico, South Korea, and Switzerland.

(1)  An international association of local governments and national and regional local government organizations who have made a commitment to sustainable development.

(2)  World Mayors Council on Climate Change: An alliance of committed local government leaders advocating an enhanced recognition and involvement of mayors in multilateral efforts addressing climate change and global sustainability.