Webinar: Local and regional governments in the SDG reporting process – Towards the HLPF 2020


United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group are organizing a series of webinars on the role of local and regional governments and their associations in reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The aim of the webinar series is to increase the awareness for the involvement of the local and regional level when reporting on the SDGs and to demonstrate concrete steps how local and regional governments and their associations can take part in the reporting process.

The pedagogical basis for the webinar will be the UCLG Learning Module 3 and the facilitation will be jointly organized by UCLG Learning, UCLG GOLD and the CIB Working Group secretariat. Furthermore, experiences from a new pilot project on SDG reporting led by UCLG Gold will be presented. This pilot project is currently implemented in cooperation with the local government associations of Costa Rica, Benin, Kenya, Nepal and Mozambique.

Furthermore, the webinar will present the survey through which local and regional governments and their associations can participate in the SDG reporting process and that will be the basis for the report that UCLG as facilitator of the Global Task Force of local and regional governments will be presenting to the United Nations High Level Political Forum 2020 celebrated in June in New York.

The free webinar is addressed to local and regional governments, their associations, other governments levels and all interested stakeholders. Join us for an interactive learning session!


The French webinar will be held on Wednesday 15th of April 2020 10am CET


The English webinar will be held on Thursday, 16th April 2020 at 9am CET


The Spanish webinar will be held on Thursday, 16th of April 2020 at 5pm CET



All participants are kindly asked to register for the webinar via the links above or to contact; [email protected]