“Citizenship and Sustainability”, 13th conference IOPD


At the annual conference of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD),held in June 2012 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the Municipality of Cascais was elected unanimously as the international ambassador for participatory democracy of the year 2013, and therefore elected as the president for the Observatory for this year.

It will be up to the Municipality of Cascais during this year, as the President of the Observatory, to deepen the debate on participatory democracy by organising the XIII IOPD International Conference to be held on 2nd -5th July at the Estoril Congress Centre.

Under the theme “Citizenship and Sustainability”, this conference will also integrate the V GLOCAL Conference, “Think Global, Act Local”, adding to the debate the issues of Sustainability and Local Agenda 21.

An important debate will hence take place in Cascais, bringing together two of today’s leading topics: Citizenship and Sustainability. Citizenship as a tool for citizens to participate in building a more sustainable world, and sustainability as a political concern that gives back citizens their rights to participate in a society that regards its resources responsibly.

Therefore, we invite all to join the Conference “Citizenship and Sustainability” as a way of learning about the best practices in participatory democracy and sustainability, presented by experts and professionals.

The registration fee for this conference is €60 per person and includes lunch for the three days. Students can attend for free.

DATES: 3th July 2013 – 5th July 2013

LOCAL: Estoril Congress Center



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