Muchadey Masunda, Co-President of UCLG, calls for in depth study of practices on local job creation


Muchadey Masunda, Mayor of Harare, Zimbabwe and Co-President of UCLG calls for in depth study of practices on local job creation. 
The UN Advisory Committee on Local Authorities (UNACLA) launched together with UCLG and ILO the 2013 work programme with focus on Job Creation and Local Productivity.
“In this age of advanced technology and global supply chains, with manufacturing companies being able to go literally anywhere, the cities of the world should take due cognition of the need to create local jobs. There are important possibilities in the non-tradible sectors”. said Masunda.
The event was also the occasion to announce the signature of an agreement among UCLG and ILO aiming at developing tools that will empower local authorities to develop untapped potential by identifying sectors of the urban economy that kick-start employment at local levels. Local Economic and Social Development is the work programme of the UCLG Committee lead by the Andalusian Development Fund (FAMSI).