You are still on time to submit your application for the UCLG Peace Prize 2019


Local and regional governments are invited to participate in the UCLG Peace Prize, which every three years rewards successful initiatives undertaken by local governments worldwide that implement strategies for conflict prevention, peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction, and to encourage others to follow suit. Moreover, it aims at generating international public attention to innovative and high impact initiatives by local governments towards peacebuilding and the creation of dialogue.

[The deadline for submitting an application is April 30th, 2019]

The objective of this Prize is to acknowledge the important but often neglected role of local governments as actors in peacebuilding, thus providing a more effective approach to conflict resolution. In conflict situations, local governments have an important role to play: they must ensure that service delivery to citizens is maintained despite a difficult context, and they must promote and facilitate peace as an alternative to violent conflict.

The Award Ceremony of the 2nd edition of the UCLG Peace Prize will be held during the UCLG World Congress taking place from 18-22 November 2019 in eThekwini (Durban), South Africa. The shortlisted local governments will be invited to attend and present their initiatives. The winning local government will receive a prize package worth €20.000, aimed at strengthening its peace projects and facilitating learning and exchange with other local governments facing similar challenges.

Local and regional governments can present their applications in the website of the prize :