Visit our brand-new UCLG Learning Website!


After a long process of listening to the members’ demands, UCLG Learning has launched its new Website. This site will bring UCLG Learning to the next level, expanding its outreach to a broader public and providing online tools, new materials and work-in-progress information regarding its main axes: Localizing the Global AgendasPeer-Learning and the Learning Forum.

Regarding the axis on Localizing of the Global Agendas, the material related to the SDGs Training of Trainers – the SDGs Local Tools and examples (including  the “SDGs in the municipal map”, the “Base Plan”, and the “Mandala Tool”); as well as the training Modules (the first, on awareness raising, the second, on planning, and the third, to be launched, about monitoring the SDGs)- is available entirely online. All the modules are developed together with UN-Habitat, UNDP-Art and the Barcelona Provincial Council, and also include small videos with commentaries by the Learning Team.

All of our Peer Learning events as well as official UCLG learning materials are also available on the “Resources” page. Our work-in-progress materials, which are produced in activities and events that are still ongoing can be easily found on the “Visit our Kitchen” page, which includes other videos, informal interviews and related information that can be accessed by both members and the general public.

Finally the “Learning Forum” page includes UCLG Learning Games, with the SDGs Memory Card game, and the Role-Playing Game on Circular Economy being available for both download and printing. All the information about our previous and next activities can also be reached at our Timeline, with information and links to our online courses, trainings and commented materials.

All of our news articles, information about the UCLG Learning team, the complete collection of our resources (interviews, peer learning notes and methodologies) are all available for download.

Access, use and enjoy!