Update on Rio +20
The zero draft of the outcome document of Rio+20 Conference, based on the contributions from States, international organizations and stakeholders, including local authorities and UCLG’s submission earlier shared, is now available.
In the enclosed document, “The future we want”, we have highlighted:
1. paragraphs that we would like to see kept
2. amendments to the existing text.
Discussions on the text will take place on 25-27 January and during March in New York.
The current version will certainly be shortened, therefore continuous advocacy before national delegations and partners is necessary to ensure that the key references to cities, local and sub-national governments are kept in the final text: we invite you to contact your national government (please find model letter enclosed).
Regarding the registration process to Rio+20 Conference please find attached a registration form to be sent back with all the information requested before 30 April 2012.
In order to register the wider local authorities’ representatives delegation, and looking at the very limited accommodation capacities on those dates, we would like to invite you not to register delegations of more than 5 persons.
Ø We strongly recommend you to contact your national delegation and to request the inclusion of local government representatives.
As you know, UCLG will hold two important meetings in the city of Rio de Janeiro on the days before the conference: the UCLG Executive Bureau and a one day event on sustainable development issues for local and subnational authorities in partnership with UN-Habitat and sisters’ organizations.
Ø Logistical arrangements including hotel accommodation are now being looked at and we will provide more information as soon as possible.
We will soon provide you an updated calendar of the local government actions on our way towards the Summit. Please do not hesitate contacting us should you have additional questions.
Please click on the links below to access the following documents:
– Zero draft outcome document Rio+20 commented
– Model letter to be sent to national government
– Registration form for Rio+20