UCLG World Congress 2019


The 2019 gathering will be the first UCLG Congress coinciding with the implementation phase of important global policies such as the New Urban Agenda, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. It will be the opportunity to present progress in the implementation of the SDGs and their impact at local level, at the same time allowing us to evaluate the evolution of the role of local and regional governments in the international agenda.

The 2019 gathering will be the first UCLG Congress coinciding with the implementation phase of important global policies such as the New Urban Agenda, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. It will be the opportunity to present progress in the implementation of the SDGs and their impact at local level, at the same time allowing us to evaluate the evolution of the role of local and regional governments in the international agenda.
A call for candidatures to host the next Congress was launched in the first quarter of 2016 and several expressions of interest were sent to the World Secretariat.
After consideration of the different proposals, the Committee on Statutory Affairs, which met in Barcelona on 19-20 September decided to extend the period for presentations of candidatures in order to allow more deliberations with potential hosts and to ensure the fine-tuning with the new UCLG strategy to be adopted in 2017. 
The call for candidatures to host the next Congress will be open until March 2017 and proposals will be presented to the World Council for decision in the last quarter of 2017.
Please address any questions or candidatures to the UCLG Secretary General at [email protected]. The complete application documents for candidates will be available upon request at the same email address.