UCLG signs MOU on learning with German Connective Cities network


Learning is increasingly important for our members, in particular given the challenges and opportunities of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The demands and priorities for capacity building, exposure and transfer of practices are very diverse and UCLG is seen as an important reference in these areas. 

Learning is increasingly important for our members, in particular given the challenges and opportunities of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The demands and priorities for capacity building, exposure and transfer of practices are very diverse and UCLG is seen as an important reference in these areas. 

The learning agenda is in constant evolution, developing demands and tools and connecting the activities of members and networks. In this sense, UCLG Learning is open to partner with relevant initiatives.

This month, the UCLG World Secretariat has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Connective Cities. The partners who have joined forces in the Connective Cities project “International Community of Practice for Sustainable Urban Development”, DST, GIZ and Engagement Global, seek to cooperate with UCLG with the aims of promoting sustainable urban development and supporting learning among municipal practitioners.

The implementation of the MOU will see some common services for members. Connective Cities presented their expertise on cities and networking modalities during the third learning forum in Bogotá, in particular during a learning session on urban mobility and transport that included instructive poster work.

Knowledge management and modalities of virtual learning will also be explored during the course of 2017.