UCLG members invited to MITI seminar on GIS


The Euro-Mediterranean Regional Center Paris Île-de-France of Metropolis International Training Institute (EMRC-MITI) will organize its first training session from December 9 to 13 and all members of UCLG are kindly invited to participate. The theme: “Observatories and Geographic Information Systems: Monitoring, Evaluation and Decision Support Tools”.

The Euro-Mediterranean Regional Center Paris Île-de-France of Metropolis International Training Institute (EMRC-MITI) will organize its first training session from December 9 to 13 and all members of UCLG are kindly invited to participate.

This seminar will focus on the theme: “Observatories and Geographic Information Systems: Monitoring, Evaluation and Decision Support Tools”. The Euro-Mediterranean Regional Center Paris Île-de-France is part of IAU îdF and is chaired by Jean-Paul Huchon, president of Ile-de-France Regional Council and president of Metropolis, the metropolitan section of UCLG.

This session developed by international experts will address the following topics:

  • Basics of Observation and Observatories
  • The Geographic Information System: Concept, Operation and Use
  • Observation and Urban Management at the Municipal Level
  • Territory Observation and GIS:  From a National to a Regional Level
  • Thematic Case Studies on Decision Support Tools

This kick-off session will mark the very beginning of activity of the EMRC Centre, which covers all the Euro-Mediterranean area. The deadline for registration is Monday, November 11.

Read here the full announcement of the seminar.

Download the flyer and the programme

Registration online here