UCLG DAL Committee launches the fifth issue of D+ Magazine


The Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Committee launches the fifth issue of D+ Magazine, a tool for the dissemination and discussion of topics related to decentralisation and local governance.

The UCLG DAL committee, chaired by the Government of the Province of Barcelona, brings together more than one hundred local governments from all continents. Its main objective is to strengthen decentralisation and local self-government in order to contribute to local good governance and government efficiency in all regions of the world, to ensure the provision of better services to citizens.

This latest magazine number includes, among others, an article on urban growth and its financing as a key development issue in Africa and an interview with Mr. Fatallah Oualalou, President of the UCLG Local Finance Committee and Mayor of Rabat, host city of the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders – 4th UCLG Congress. It also refers to the decentralisation policies implemented in Cambodia and Macedonia, and the reforms that are taking place in Tunisia after the Arab Spring. Moreover, it describes the local dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy. Finally, the “best practice” section presents DeLoG, a development partners working group on decentralisation and local governance.

D+ Magazine is published in four languages – Catalan, Castilian, English and French – and can be read here. Copies can also be requested by sending an email to the Secretariat of the Committee: [email protected].

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