UCLG Co-President Masunda delivered a speech before the Opening Plenary of UN-Habitat Council


Mayor Masunda, Co-President of UCLG, addressed a keynote speech during the Opening Day of the 23rd UN-Habitat Governing Council. 

The Council of UN-Habitat is taking place from 11th to 15th April at the UN-Habitat Headquarters in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, under the theme of Sustainable Urban Development through expanding Equitable Access to Land, Housing, Basic Services and Infrastructure. 

Co-President Masunda reaffirmed the core prinicples and recommendations of the Manifesto for the City of 2030, adopted during the UCLG Congress in Mexico in November 2010. He offered the “full partnership of UCLG and its network to address global problems through local solutions”.

Read the full speech of Co-President Masunda

Read the full speech of Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director of UN-Habitat