First VSR peer review of the year 2023 – a success!
The VSR workshop brought associations, UCLG sections and partners together to discuss subnational SDG reporting efforts
This is the fourth year UCLG supports the production of Voluntary Subnational Reviews (VSRs) in its quest to contribute to localizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In 2023, the local government associations from Flanders (Belgium), Cambodia, Chile, Comoros, Kenya, Romania, Rwanda and Tanzania will finalize their own VSRs.
High participation and commitment
The VSR workshop, held on 28 March 2023, was co-organized by the CIB Working Group and the UCLG World Secretariat. In addition to the associations producing a VSR, it gathered over 40 participants, including associations having produced one in previous years (Benin, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway), UCLG sections (Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America – FLACMA), the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and partners (UN-Habitat; the Network of Local Authorities of South East Europe, NALAS; and the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy, ICLD). All of them were able to share their experiences and insights during an enriching debate and peer review.
Good news! Contacts with national governments’ reporting units established
In most countries where associations are producing a VSR, they have also achieved a critical milestone of the process: reaching their national government and sharing the importance of considering the local voices, amongst others through the VSR, in the production of the Voluntary National Reviews and the coordination of the countries’ SDG strategies. While this is a critical first step, the multilevel dialogue and coordination should continue in the coming months.
During the workshop, several other important insights were shared by the participants, such as the importance of joining forces with other stakeholders in the production of the VSR and localization of the SDGs overall, and that the VSRs need to consolidate a common message to the international forums.
Also, as commented by the participants, the UCLG-CIB Guidelines for Voluntary Subnational Reviews are absolutely useful to bring the VSR forward, and so are the MOOC on VSR and the interactive course on the role of local government associations in accomplishing the 2030 Agenda. We encourage you to take a look!
The next workshop will take place in May, when the majority of the countries will be about to finalize their VSR. Stay tuned for more info!