The Committee on Social Inclusion publishes Action Plan 2013
UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights presents its 2012 Activities Report and 2013 Action Plan.
The “1st World Summit of Local Governments for the Right to the City”, celebrated in Saint-Denis (France) on December 11th and 12th, 2013 ends an intensive working year. However, 2012 was also the scene of several other activities; among them::
- Co-organization of the international seminar “Water: a common good of humanity. An issue at stake for the right to the city” (Aubagne, March 13th, 2012).
- Political promotion of the Global Charter-Agenda for Human Rights in the City by taking part to the “2nd World Human Rights Cities Forum” (15 – 18 May 2012, Gwangju, South Korea).
- Dissemination of the Inclusive Cities Observatory through communication material and through the participation to the Congress “Cities are us. Rethinking Urban Inclusion. Spaces, mobilizations and interventions” (Coimbra, 28 – 30 June 2012) and the Summer School on “Rethinking the City through democratic and civic participation: theories, methods and practices” (Lisbon, 2 – 7 July 2012).
- Reinforcement of the communication strategy through a new Webpage, the launching of three publications and the active use of social networks.
Additionally, the 2013 Action plan for the current year is as rich in activities as last year. Some of the activities to be undertaken will be:
- Organizing a round table on the fight against urban poverty within the framework of the “5th World Forum on Human Rights” (May 22-25, 2013, Nantes, France).
- Co-organizing a debate on the right to the city and to solidarity-based metropolises within the framework of the4th UCLG World Congress (1-4 October 2013, Rabat, Morocco).
- Preparing the report of the 1st World Summit of Local Governments for the Right to the City and starting the organization of the second edition of this event, which will take place in 2014.
- Foster the Local Economic Development Working group.
Download here both documents:
Source: CISDP