Series of online debates think about SDGs Localization with local government officers
The world organization United Cities and Local Governments and the Barcelona Provincial Council have organized in October a series of 6 debates, held in the context of the online course “Localizing ODS: tools for local transformation”, offered to more than 100 public officials from local and regional governments, regional sections and national associations members of UCLG, who have presented their local realities and the challenges for enabling a favorable local environment for the localization of SDGs.
The course, offered in English, Spanish and French, lasts three months and at this end of its first half, representatives from different areas of the World Secretariat’s organization participated, commenting on the debates based on their practical experience in localization from their areas, such as Advocacy, Learning and Local Finances.
At the end of this second online edition, participants will be able to multiply the knowledge shared during the course with their government officials, national associations, and regional sections, for awareness raising, planning, and local reporting on SDGs localization.